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Featured in the review: Advent Litany and Gathering Rite 

















Advent Gospel Acclamation 





Funeral Litany 





Lenten Gospel Acclamation

for the Third Millennium 





Litany for the Transfer of the Body 

to the Church or to the

Place of Committal 



Penitential Litany Lead Us to Act Justly 





Prayer of Intercession

for a Deceased Child 



A review of Michael Prendergast and Rick Modlin's "Advent Gathering Litany and Penitential Rite" 


by Angela Westhoff-Johnson


Angela Westhoff-Johnson is the Managing Music Editor for OCP and Music Director at St. Mary's Cathedral in Portland, Oregon.


I had the good fortune of using Michael Prendergast and Rick Modlin’s “Advent Gathering Litany and Penitential Rite” before its publication. Throughout Advent for the last few years, this complete gathering rite has opened the Sunday morning liturgy at our cathedral.


Based on the “Conditor Alme Siderum” chant, it opens with hand bells playing the chant melody, followed by unison a cappella choir on the “Conditor” text (in Latin or English). The organ then enters to set up the assembly response: “Maranatha, maranatha. Come, O Lord, and set us free,” which alternates with cantored verses, set in a Gelineau-style.


All this takes place as my choir begins to process from the back of the church, weaving the choral parts into the very midst of the assembly’s singing. It is a beautiful and emotionally moving opening to these liturgies. It may end either after this opening song or move directly into a chanted setting of the sign of the cross, Collect, (opening prayer), Confiteor, and absolution.


It closes with a polyphonic choral Kyrie, based once again on the “Conditor” chant. Updated with text from the new Roman Missal, it is accessible and beautiful, and will make a great addition to your Advent liturgies.



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