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Artist and Illuminator

Patron Saint of ministers of church environment

Includes Hagiagrophy of the saint, and a prayer for ministers of church environment

Full color image by Sheryl Cozad, MFA

Text by Anne C. McGuire, PhD.

Large size at 4 1/2 x 5 3/4" 

For 16 - 30 of any assortment of cards use the product Prayer Cards 16-30 ea. ($1.50 per card)

For 31 or more of any assortment of cards use the product Prayer Cards 31 or More ea. ($1.00 per card)

Saint Catherine of Bologna Prayer Card (March 9)


    © 2021 by Michael Prendergast & Anne McGuire

    Created with

    Created by Leahy Cloud Consulting, LLC

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    Thank you for contacting us through the SLM website! We have received your email and I will get back to you soon.-Michael & Anne

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